7000190 |
RapidChek SELECT Salmonella Food System (includes 100 test strips, transfer pipettes, sample tubes, user's guide and media (primary media base, primary media supplement, secondary media) for 25L
Include:7000191 x2, 7000192 x1, 7000193 x1, 7000194 x1) |
100 tests |
http://www.sdix.com/Products/Food-Safety.aspx |
7000197 |
RapidChek SELECT Salmonella High Volume Food System (includes 1000 test strips, transfer pipettes, sample tubes, user's guide and media (primary media base, primary media supplement, secondary media) for 250L
Include: 7000188 x2, 7000184 x1, 7000194 x10, 7000185 x1) |
1000 tests |
http://www.sdix.com/Products/Food-Safety.aspx |
7000196 |
RapidChek SELECT Salmonella Media system (Includes; one 500g bottle of RapidChek SELECT primary media base, one 250mL bottle of RapidChek SELECT Primary base supplement , one bottle of 10g RapidChek SELECT Secondary media - sufficient for 25 liters, 111 - 25g samples
Include: 7000192 x1, 7000194 x1, 7000193 x1) |
100 tests |
http://www.sdix.com/Products/Food-Safety.aspx |
7000191 |
RapidChek SELECT Salmonella Strips without media (Includes: 50 Test strips in a desiccated canister, 50 transfer pipettes, 50 sample tubes and User Guide) |
50 tests |
http://www.sdix.com/Products/Food-Safety.aspx |
7000188 |
RapidChek SELECT Salmonella Strips Only, no media (Includes: 1 bag of 10x 50 test strips. Does not include pippettes, tubes or media) |
Bulk, 500 tests |
http://www.sdix.com/Products/Food-Safety.aspx |
7000192 |
RapidChek SELECT Salmonella Primary Media Base (500g bottle of RapidChek SELECT Primary Media Base, sufficient for 100 tests) |
100 tests |
http://www.sdix.com/Products/Food-Safety.aspx |
7000184 |
RapidChek SELECT Salmonella Primary Media Base (5kg Bucket of RapidChek SELECT Salmonella Primary media base) |
Bulk; 1110 tests |
http://www.sdix.com/Products/Food-Safety.aspx |
7000194 |
RapidChek SELECT Salmonella Primary Media Supplement (250ml bottle of RapidChek SELECT primary supplement (shipped and stored at 2-8 deg C)) |
100 tests |
http://www.sdix.com/Products/Food-Safety.aspx |
7000193 |
RapidChek SELECT Salmonella Secondary Media (10g of RapidChek SELECT Salmonella Secondary media, sufficient for 100 tests) |
100 tests |
http://www.sdix.com/Products/Food-Safety.aspx |
7000185 |
RapidChek SELECT Salmonella Secondary Enrichment Media (Includes: 1x bottle of 100g RapidChek SELECT Secondary media - sufficient for 250 liters, 1110 - 25g samples) |
1000 tests |
http://www.sdix.com/Products/Food-Safety.aspx |
7000175 |
RapidChek Listeria Food System (includes test strips, transfer pipettes, sample tubes, user's guide, media base, and supplement). Include: 7000171 x1, 7000172 x1, 70000173 x1 |
45 tests |
http://www.sdix.com/Products/Food-Safety.aspx |
7000174 |
RapidChek Listeria Environmental System (includes test strips, transfer pipettes, sample tubes, user's guide, media base, and supplement). Include: 7000171 x2, 7000172 x1, 70000173 x1 |
90 tests |
http://www.sdix.com/Products/Food-Safety.aspx |
7000181 |
RapidChek Listeria Food System (includes; 10 x 45 tests strips in a desiccated canister, 5.3kg bucket of RapidChek media base, 100g bottle of RapidChek base supplement sufficient for 450 tests and 100L of media). Include: 7000182 x1, 7000177 x1, 7000178 x1 |
450 tests |
http://www.sdix.com/Products/Food-Safety.aspx |
7000176 |
RapidCheck Listeria Media System
(includes media base and supplement. Sufficient for 9.4 litres or 45 tests)
Include: 7000172 x1, 7000173 x1 |
500 g, 9.4L media |
http://www.sdix.com/Products/Food-Safety.aspx |
7000179 |
RapidChek Listeria Media System (includes; 5.3kg bucket of RapidChek media base, 100g bottle of RapidChek base supplement - sufficient for 100L media. Does not include strips)
Include: 7000177 x1, 7000178 x1 |
Bulk 100L Media |
http://www.sdix.com/Products/Food-Safety.aspx |
7000171 |
RapidChek Listeria Test Strips, no media
(includes test strips, transfer pipettes, sample tubes, user's guide, no media) |
45 tests |
http://www.sdix.com/Products/Food-Safety.aspx |
7000182 |
RapidChek Listeria Strips only, no media (1 bag 10 x 45 tests strips in a desiccated canister. Does not include media or User's Guide) |
Bulk, 450 tests |
http://www.sdix.com/Products/Food-Safety.aspx |
7000172 |
RapidChek Listeria Media Base (500g bottle of RapidChek media base, sufficient for 9.4L of media) |
9.4L Media |
http://www.sdix.com/Products/Food-Safety.aspx |
7000177 |
RapidChek Listeria Media Base (5.3kg bucket of RapidChek Media base, sufficient for 100L Media) |
Bulk, for 100L Media |
http://www.sdix.com/Products/Food-Safety.aspx |
7000173 |
RapidChek Listeria Media Supplement (10g bottle of RapidChek media base supplement, sufficient for 9.4L of media, shipped and stored at 2-8 deg C) |
10g bottle |
http://www.sdix.com/Products/Food-Safety.aspx |
7000178 |
RapidChek Listeria Media Supplement (100g bottle of RapidChek media base supplement, sufficient for 100L of media, shipped and stored at 2-8 deg C) |
Bulk, for 100L Media |
http://www.sdix.com/Products/Food-Safety.aspx |